“Thoughts we create paint us and sculpture the life we live”…

Sphinx cats have played an integral part in my life — they are the spark of inspiration for many of my paintings. These beautiful beings possess unique, charismatic personalities, they feel my life with love & joy, and I remain grateful every day to call them family. My daughter, Alexandra, who has inspired several portrait paintings of mine, shares the same adoration and passion for these magical beings, so it’s only natural to acknowledge the special relationships we have with our Sphinx cats here. 

Eckhart Tolle famously said, “I have lived with several Zen masters – all of them cats.“ Humanity has much to learn from animals.

To close, I’d like to add here these beautiful words of wisdom by Seth (an individual personality essence channeled by Jane Roberts)—

Seth: “You can learn much about your own body consciousness, and therefore to some extent about the natural man, by observing the behavior of your pets or other animals, and you can to some extent learn from their behavior, and therefore to some extent counteract any susceptibility to negative beliefs. I have given some material like this in the past — but on such occasions try to return to the moment, to the present. Perceive it as clearly as you can from the standpoint of the stimuli present before you. Mentally say ‘This is my present experience now.’ Then, if you find yourself exaggerating any unpleasantness within that moment, and projecting it into the future, you stop and say, ‘That is not a part of this present moment. In the terms of my bodily reality, those dire imaginings, whatever they are, are not real. My body can only respond to the present. I will not overload that present by borrowing trouble that in this moment has no reality’ (all very emphatically). 

Such imaginings frighten the body consciousness, as you might frighten an animal.  Worrying begets worry, of course — and though it may not appear so, worry provides a certain kind of invented excitement that prevents you from seeking a more constructive excitement the longer it is indulged in.”

Roberts, Jane; Butts, Robert. The Personal Sessions: Book Five of the Deleted Seth Material: Personal Seth Sessions: 8/30/78 – 12/10/80. New Awareness Network, Inc. Kindle Edition.